Overview: In 2010 Dominican Republic developed a national inventory on mercury (Level 1). This preliminary inventory allowed Dominican Republic to identify the main sources and category of sources that are considered as a priority, such as the Extraction and uses of fuel and energy sources, as well as the production of minerals other than primary production of metals. The preliminary inventory has provided with a view of where the problem might be, what are the main priority sectors, however a more comprehensive inventory is needed in order to update and complement the preliminary inventories.
UN Environment
Contact person: Ludovic BERNAUDAT (Email: Ludovic.BERNAUDAT@unep.org)
Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Latin America and Caribbean Region in Uruguay
Contact person: Ms. Gabriela Medina (Email: gabriela.medina@dinama.gub.uy)
Executing component on information exchange and dissemination