Overview: In 2007, UN Environment provided assistance to Cambodia to study mercury releases from identified sources and organized a workshop in order to train the inventory team from the government. By 2008, Cambodia developed a national mercury inventory. The country has no specific provision to the sound use and management either of products or equipments containing mercury or mercury compounds.
UN Environment (UNEP)
Contact person: Ludovic BERNAUDAT (Email: Ludovic.BERNAUDAT@unep.org)
UN Environment IETC
Contact person: Shunichi HONDA (Email: Shunichi.HONDA@unep.org)
Executing component on information exchange and dissemination
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) of Switzerland
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
Contact Person: Oliver WOOTTON (Email: Oliver.WOOTTON@unitar.org)