Jointly organized by UNITAR and the Environment Protection Agency of Sierra Leone (EPA-SL), The NAP workshop aimed at:
- Raising awareness on the NAP development and its expected implications
- Identifying stakeholders' key concerns and interests
- Presenting the ASGM overview report
- Discussing mapping issues, priorities and perspectives to inform a nation vision for the ASGM sector
- Collecting inputs for the NAP’s goals, mercury reduction targets and better mining practices
- Collecting inputs for the NAP’s formalization strategy and selecting a pathway towards formalization
The targeted audience (photos below) was composed of :
- ASGM actors: miners (diggers, processors, transporters, license holders), traders, dealers, goldsmiths and exporters
- Authorities from ASGM communities and chiefdoms
- Community and youth leaders
- Relevant local NAGOs, local academia, industrial mining companies
- Local banks